*hiks hiks, one of my dreams have come true Am I the only one happy about this? I've been way too familiar with Haruhi-ism, and I can't seem to be so much in love with it. But I'm definitely crazy about Nagato-ism (*ehm ehm lolicon >_>). Could this be the answer to my frustration against the lack of loliconness available in TMoHS, or just simply my miniscule ray of hope in liking TMoHS again. To be frank it is both, I know there isn't much character without bust (
TWO!!! excluding the male gender) in TMoHS, but when you put Yuki as a main character at least that frustration have been supressed by it. And to sweeten everything up is the expression of Yuki that you have been dying to see in the TMoHS series, even though it's kinda awkward. But then when everything is going supremely well....
*dun dun dunnn Noooooouuuuuuwwww
OK, WT* is that? Maybe I'm a little over the top, but this just -_- me. Can't it just go like the way that I want it to be. Whyy Whyyy Whyyyy, please tell me why!? While I recover from my trauma you can enjoy this trivia.....
who's that pokemon... I mean girl
And here's something to visualize my feeling
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